Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir is one of the most beautiful regions on the Subcontinent because of its pleasant people and fertile, verdant, and picturesque mountain valleys.

Neelum Valley :

The Neelum Valley is located in Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir and runs parallel to the Kaghan Valley. Only snow-covered peaks, some of which are over 4000m above sea level, divide the two valleys. The valley is a dream come true, excellent scenic beauty, panoramic views, towering hills on either side of the noisy Neelum river, lush green forests, charming streams, and lovely surroundings.

Keran and Upper Neelum – are located on the right bank of the river Neelum at 1524 meters above sea level and are about 91 kilometers (3 hours) from Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, and 7 kilometers (7 hours) from Islamabad. They are surrounded by beautiful scenery. The expansive, verdant valley is abundant in fruit and wildlife. The Keran Resort brand of luxurious motels is stunning and inviting. For Keran Resort and Neelum Valley lodging, go to Neelum Valley.

Sharda – is a stunningly green area at 1981 meters above sea level. According to legend, the two mountain peaks Shardi and Nardi, which overlook the valley, were named after the legendary princess Sharda. It has a beautiful landscape with lots of springs and forested hillsides. The Surgan Nallah, which is joined to the Neelum on the right bank and across from Sharda, is where a track leading to Nurinar Pass and through it to the Kaghan Valley begins. In Sharda, there are also the remains of a former Buddhist university. Sharda is a fascinating historical location. Travel to Neelum Valley for Kashmir tours.

Athmuqam – The administrative center of the region, Athmuqam, is located at a height of 1371 meters. It is a charming location renowned for its assortment of fruit. There are all required amenities, including bazaars, post offices, banks, hospitals, and phone exchanges.

Arang Kel –  is located at the top of a hill close to Kel, about 1500 feet above River Neelam. Additionally, it is a village with stunning scenery. The mountain after this one is located in Indian-occupied Kashmir. It is a work of breathtaking beauty that can be found in Kashmir. In Neelum Valley, you can find Arang Kel.

Chita Khata Lake – is situated 3,800 meters above sea level. Only the months of July and August are suitable for visiting Chitta Katha Lake. The typical path taken by tourists goes through Kel. Shounter Valley and Kel are connected by a road. It is preferable to travel to and stay in the village of UTLI DOMEL at night. You ought to move forward first thing in the morning. To get to the lake, it takes 5 to 6 hours of climbing. Horses can be arranged as well for travel from UTLI DOMEL.

Shounter Valley – Upper Neelum Valley contains Shounter Valley. A jeep track from Kel leads there, but it’s only open for a few months of the year. To access Astore valley at Rattoo from Shounter valley, one must pass through Shounter Pass. In the Shounter Valley, there is a small but stunning lake called Shounter Lake. From here, one can travel to the Chitta Katta Lake, the base camp of Sarveli Peak, or the Shounter Pass into Astore. Shounter is a stunning location that is well worth visiting.

Kel – is a small valley that is 2097 meters above sea level. The Neelum Valley has another lovely location. At this point, the Shounter Nallah merges with the Neelum River and travels over the Shandur to Gilgit Agency (the northern areas).